1 Day Ceremonial Workshop – Mayan Fire


In this ceremonial workshop you will learn about the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar, a 62,000-year-old calendar tracking all the celestial events and energies. You will learn about your Mayan Glyph in the Dreamspell Calendar and  how to align with your divine blueprint. You will learn how to work with and invoke the 20-Day Lords of the Mayan Calendar and activate these archetypal powers through the Mayan Fire Teachings.


1 day $111

In this ceremonial workshop you will learn about the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar, a 62,000-year-old calendar tracking all the celestial events and energies. You will learn about your Mayan Glyph in the Dreamspell Calendar and  how to align with your divine blueprint. You will learn how to work with and invoke the 20-Day Lords of the Mayan Calendar and activate these archetypal powers through the Mayan Fire Teachings.  This ceremonial workshop is designed to activate, enliven and reawaken us to our fullest power to reclaim our role on earth as stewards of the Planetary Dream. Through the fire we can see into the doorway of time, messages are divined and we can receive clear teachings, healing and personal power.


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